Uploading Documents via the API

While there is a range of different types of API endpoints that drive the Affinda solution, uploading documents for processing (and receiving the response) is core to the product. Without documents, there is no Intelligent Document Processing!

Request Body

The following parameters may be included in the API POST request to Affinda.

Note, all individual parameters are optional, however, one (and only one) of the following must be specified:

  • File
  • URL
  • Data
fileFile as binary data blob. Supported formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, RTF, HTML, PNG, JPG
urlURL to a document to download and process
dataA JSON-encoded string of the ResumeData object
waitIf "true" (default), will return a response only after processing has been completed. If "false", will return an empty data object which can be polled at the GET endpoint until processing is complete.
identifierSpecify a custom identifier for the document.
fileNameAn optional filename of the file
expiryTimeThe date/time in ISO-8601 format when the document will be automatically deleted. Defaults to no expiry.
languageLanguage code in ISO 639-1 format. Must specify zh-cn or zh-tw for Chinese.