Configuring the Embeddable Validation Tool

We have several options for customising the validation interface for integration onto your platform. Theming is applied at the Organisation level.

This themed tool is available when used in Embedded Mode only, and not within the main app.

Configuration Options

Colour palette

  • Light or dark mode
  • Background colour
  • Text colour
  • Primary colour (pink by default)
  • Error colour (red)
  • Warning colour (orange)
  • Info colour (blue)
  • Success colour (green)
  • Annotation colour (yellow)

Border radius

  • Used for anything with rounded corners, eg. buttons, annotations, popovers

Font settings

  • Font family (system font by default; can use any system font, Adobe Fonts, Google Fonts)
  • Base font size
  • Font weights (regular, medium, bold)


The following actions / capabilities can be enabled or disabled:

  • Confirm document
  • Collection selector
  • Export data
  • Filename
  • Tags
  • Warnings

Updating your configurations

The colour palette and border radius can be updated by users through our theme editor found in your Organization settings page.

If you require additional changes to other aspects, get in touch with Affinda who will apply the changes to your account.