Legacy version of Resume Parser
The following applies to Affinda's legacy resume parser.
See Getting Started with the NextGen Resume Parser for more information on our latest version
Data extracted
Category | Field |
Personal Details | Name (title, first, middle, last)^ Address (geocoded to a specific location and re-formatted)^ Contact Phone (including formatted number with country code)^ Email^ Websites Date of Birth Headshot |
Work Experience | Job Title^ Employer^ Location^ Dates Employed^ Occupation Classification Management Level Job Description^ |
Education | Institution^ Degree^ Degree Type Dates of Study^ |
Skills | Raw skills^ Taxonomy skills - mapped to a detailed best-in-class taxonomy containing over 3,000 soft and hard skills Skill type Number of months using skills |
Languages | Language(s) spoken Language of the resume |
Extra-Curricular | Certificates Publications |
Summary | Candidate summary and objective Section raw text Probability the document is a resume |
Referee Details | Name Phone number |
^ Included in visualization within Affinda app
The following is an example data object returned for a resume in the API response:
"data": {
"name": {
"raw": "Tim A. Smith",
"first": "Tim",
"last": "Smith",
"middle": "A.",
"title": "Dr"
"phoneNumbers": [
"(704) 996-9966",
"websites": [
"emails": [
"dateOfBirth": "1992-01-01",
"location": {
"formatted": "Blacksburg, VA, USA",
"postalCode": "3124",
"state": "Virginia",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"rawInput": "Blacksburg, VA",
"streetNumber": "1",
"street": "Smith St",
"apartmentNumber": "12",
"city": "Blacksburg",
"latitude": "67.0124",
"longitude": "67.0124"
"objective": "",
"languages": [
"languageCodes": [
"summary": "",
"totalYearsExperience": 13,
"headShot": "string",
"education": [
"id": 0,
"organization": "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)",
"accreditation": {
"education": "Bachelor of Science",
"inputStr": "Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, expected",
"matchStr": "Bachelor of Science",
"educationLevel": "bachelors"
"grade": {
"raw": "GPA : 3.35",
"metric": "GPA",
"value": "3.35",
"additionalProp": {}
"location": {
"formatted": "Blacksburg, VA, USA",
"postalCode": "3124",
"state": "Virginia",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"rawInput": "Blacksburg, VA",
"streetNumber": "1",
"street": "Smith St",
"apartmentNumber": "12",
"city": "Blacksburg",
"latitude": "67.0124",
"longitude": "67.0124"
"dates": {
"completionDate": "2021-05-01",
"isCurrent": true,
"startDate": "2019-05-01"
"profession": "Software Developer",
"linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/user-name",
"workExperience": [
"id": 0,
"jobTitle": "Sales and retail assistants",
"socCode": "7111",
"socName": "Sales and retail assistants",
"organization": "General Motors",
"industry": "Automotive",
"location": {
"formatted": "Blacksburg, VA, USA",
"postalCode": "3124",
"state": "Virginia",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"rawInput": "Blacksburg, VA",
"streetNumber": "1",
"street": "Smith St",
"apartmentNumber": "12",
"city": "Blacksburg",
"latitude": "67.0124",
"longitude": "67.0124"
"jobDescription": "Interned with supercar Development from May 2017 to August 2017.",
"dates": {
"startDate": "2018-05-01",
"endDate": "2018-08-01",
"monthsInPosition": 0,
"isCurrent": true
"occupation": {
"jobTitle": "Sr. Software Developer",
"jobTitleNormalized": "Software Developer",
"managementLevel": "Low",
"classification": {
"title": "Book-keepers, payroll managers and wages clerks",
"minorGroup": "Administrative Occupations: Finance",
"socCode": 4122
"skills": [
"id": 0,
"emsiId": "KS1218W78FGVPVP2KXPX",
"name": "Applied Mechanics",
"lastUsed": "2012-01-01",
"numberOfMonths": 12,
"type": "hard_skill",
"count": 133342916,
"weighting": 0.057699221573302296,
"sources": [
"section": "WorkExperience",
"position": 0,
"workExperienceId": 1234
"certifications": [
"Certificate in AWS"
"publications": [
"Tim Smith et al., Investigations of nanoparticles in the pathology of the human eye, Cell 2014"
"referees": [
"name": "Stephen Smith",
"text": "Stephen Smith, Team Member/Mentor, Company Power Generation: stephen.smith@company.com",
"email": "stephen.smith@company.com",
"number": "+61490667215",
"position": "Principal",
"additionalProp": {}
"sections": [
"sectionType": "PersonalDetails",
"bbox": [
"pageIndex": 0,
"text": "<All text from the {sectionType} section>"
"isResumeProbability": 98,
"rawText": "Christopher Nolan 3210 fake street '... <rest of resume text>'",
"redactedText": "**** Objective: To obtain a job '... <rest of resume text>'",
"additionalProp": "string"
The data that Affinda extracts from resumes can be exported in HR-XML.
By default, our resume parser will return the data that our AI model has extracted in Affinda's own standard schema. However, users can specify that they wish to return data in HR-XML format when using the Upload a document for parsing endpoint.
Adding and Updating Candidates Directly
See Adding and Updating Candidates Directly for information about adding a candidate directly to Affinda so that it can be used to index and search for the candidate in our Search and Match solution.
Updated 2 months ago