Affinda accurately extracts details from identification documents to satisfy your KYC and ID checks.
Affinda captures the following data fields from each document type. Additional metadata is provided for each field and at the document level.
- Names - Family, Given, Middle
- Type
- Document Number
- Nationality
- Code of Issuing State
- Date of Birth
- Sex
- Place of Birth
- Date of Issue
- Date of Expiry
- Authority
- Machine Readable Zone
Machine Readable Zone
The Machine ReadableZone (MRZ) is a codified element of passport documents that contain the document holder's basic personal details, including full name, document number, date of birth, sex and document expiration date.
This information extracted can be used to validate the data extracted from the body of the passport (excluding the MRZ). In the case where the information extracted from the body of the passport matches the detail in the MRZ, our confidence in that data point will be increased to 100%, so will be auto-validated if you choose to set this feature on. Using the MRZ enhances the accuracy and confidence in the information extracted and saves time in validating the model predictions.
Driver's Licenses
- Names - Family, Given, Middle
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Expiry Date
- State
- Type(s)
- License Number
- Card Number
- Class(es)
- Conditions
- Effective Date
- Date provisional to
- New address
Birth Certificates
- Names - Family, Given, Middle, Previous Family Name
- State / Issuing Authority
- Registration Number
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
- Sex
- Registration Date
- Issue Date
- Certificate Number
Updated 3 months ago