Affinda's Receipts product has been trained on a wide set of B2C receipts. It is an effective tool for Accounts Payable, expense management and employee reimbursements. Given the nature of B2C receipts, a tailored model is typically not recommended as there is unlikely to be a concentrated set of high-volume suppliers with similar receipt formats that are being processed by each customer.
As with other products, we return a range of metadata on top of the following fields as standard:
- Supplier Company Name
- Supplier Business Number
- Supplier Address
- Supplier phone Number
- Supplier Website
- Supplier Email
- Receipt Date
- Receipt Number
- Currency Code
- Payment Amount Base
- Payment Amount Tax
- Payment Amount Other
- Payment Amount Total
- Payment Amount Paid
- Payment Change
- Payment Card Information
Line Items
- Item Code
- Item Description
- Item Unit
- Item Unit Price
- Item Quantity
- Item Discount
- Item Base Total
- Item Total
- Item Tax Rate
- Item Tax Total
Updated about 1 month ago